• Karl Friedrich Meckel„Die Stiftung soll im Dienst der Völkerverständigung und des Weltfriedens für eine Gemeinschaft von Studenten verschiedener Nationalitäten Heimstätten errichten und unterhalten.“

    Karl Friedrich Meckel *04.01.1905 - †23.10.1969


Mein Jahr in Mannheim war mehr als ein Studium, es war eine Lebenserfahrung.

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Stay at Mannheim and benefit of scholarship

I am a social person who loves to interact with people and share his beliefs and experiences. Through this scholarship, I got a chance to stay in Mannheim, Germany; complete my Master's studies and in turn enjoy and learn about the local culture. I am a person with good interpersonal skills and I believe that with this opportunity I learned lots of good things from German students and the local community and also shared values, beliefs and culture of Pakistan and portrayed it to them.

I strongly believe that we need to respect each other and sort out the little misconceptions and differences that we have and learn the good things from each and every one of us. I learned a lot from my German counterparts, how hardworking and organized they are as a nation. The little things that impressed me were the deeply rooted social and civic sense in almost all the Germans that I met; whether it’s the following of simple traffic rules, keeping the surrounding areas and their community clean and helping others whenever and however they can. In the meanwhile, I also got a chance to portray the real Pakistani culture, the loving and hospitable nature of Pakistani people.

Mannheim is a vibrant city filled with friendly individuals from all nationalities. At the same time, Universitat Mannheim is home to exchange students from all over the world. My stay in Mannheim helped me learn from the cultures and values of people from other nationalities. In this way, I was not only able to learn good ethics, beliefs and values from others but it also helped me mitigate any misunderstandings, irregular beliefs and misconceptions about others. As the world is becoming a global village, by interacting with individuals from versatile backgrounds and other nationalities helped broaden my perspective and is a big step for me in becoming a global citizen. I learned the value of cultural exchange and diversity, and being exposed to many distinct cultures provided me with an amazing opportunity to meet, learn, grow and work with new people and gain new perspectives on our world.

My stay at Mannheim was not only a simple exchange of ideas and information, but countless memorable moments of cultural conversation. It was an invaluable experience for me on a cultural, academic, and personal level. The stimulating discussions between students from diverse backgrounds provided me with a deeper understanding of global relations. The opportunity to connect oneself to locals and other students in a global context helped me understand the importance of continuing dialogue on existing global issues.- Thus, leading to a better, peaceful world.

I thank Ekkehard-Stiftung (Ekkehard foundation) for providing me with the scholarship and funding my stay in Germany, thus giving me chance to interact with Germans. This experience helped me learn German culture, language, attend German festivals and interact with the locals. I believe that this is a very good way of promoting ones culture and sharing it with students all over the world. I believe that if we want to make this world a better place, we need to interact more with people from different nationalities, share ideas and beliefs, sort out any misconceptions about others. Through this opportunity, it helped me share experiences and cultures, which helped build trust in people from other nationalities. This is an encouraging step in promoting education, culture and making this world, a peaceful place to live in for us and for future generations.